Monday, December 1, 2008

Driving dreams? Driving us crazy~ =/

Monday, December 1, 2008
college of mine...made a terrible mistake today~

on notice board....stated that *Company Law 9.45-12.45*

when in actual exam...on the whiteboard....*Company Law 9.45-12.00*

most of us didnt notice...*Im not one of them...luckily*

one friend of mine....done 2 out of 3 question on 11.30am...he thought he stil got another he slept.....=.="


riyyl | Choco-Late ©

sleep... so daring =.=


yea...he slept...i tot he finished all question...else i'll wake him up =/ 2/4 of class cant finish all question


wah...rili geng o...
but gratz to u
at least u managed to finish


ya...but now fed up wit my coll ad...haha not the 1st time le...

1)taught wrong syllabus (07)

2)made error...till whole class hvta retake exam(08)

3)cancelled my bursary award..500GBP le...(08)

4)wrong exam timetable(08)

whoever jz out from 2ndary skool...dun come 'driving dreams' f3

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