Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I just saw the date today after I’ve posted in both my blog and silverice journals and I feel that I should do this in respect to those lives that have perished on this particular date about 7 years ago…

Lives lost due to the attacks and even lives lost due to those who tried to save others…both of which are worth us taking a moment of our lives do be quiet and think about how lucky we are to still be here…

Give them a little respect…they had no choice to decide when they’re lives were put to an end…think about the love ones that were lost and think about those that still suffer the trauma till today…

What are we when we’re compared to all that?

When you face little problems in life and say that you want to end life…think about all that…you only have 1 chance to live, even a cat has only 1 life…

If you choose to end your life when you’re still able to live…you don’t deserve respect at all…

I say live life to the fullest no matter how hard it maybe…

Ps to fellow SilverIce: Those having exam, Good luck and all the best!!! All of us have to go through that stage of life…we’ll make it through together…


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